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Ble medlem: 06 jul 05
Innlegg: 3236

Lagt til: 16 jan 07, 14:47



After several months of exchanges and of encounters, the clubs of the asec MIMOSAS and of CHARLTON ATHLETIC SOCCER CLUB signed on Mondays 1st May 2006 a partnership agreement. 

In the current world of international soccer, the big clubs try to tie up partnerships in order to maintain privileged relations allowing replying to their needs.  Thus, it is basic for our club to tie up this type of relations with clubs of high level.  After the signature of the partnership, Master Roger OUEGNIN declared itself "very happy to sign with the club of CHARLTON that replies to the criteria that we had set up ourselves: a club of high level (First English League), friendly, with professional and fascinated leaders as well as a will to work with us in the time". 

Thus according to an approach by leaders of CHARLTON in the current of the year 2005 with 3 players of the asec accompanied by Easter THEAULT, Director of the academy MimoSifcom, on the invitation of his counterpart of the Formation Center of CHARLTON, Mr. Steve GRITT. 

The quality of the benefit of players attracted the attention of the technicians of CHARLTON on our club for the establishment of a narrow collaboration.  In order to go more far in the negotiations, Mr. Peter VARNEY, invited Me Roger OUEGNIN and Easter THEAULT to London, to attend a championship game, visit the installations of the professional team and soccer academy, and start the negotiations for a parallel between the asec Mimosas and Charlton Athletic FC. 

These exchanges allowed the leaders of the two clubs of better to know itself and to notice itself than their interests could rejoin in a partnership contract. 

Me Roger OUEGNIN insists on the fact that "in the discussions, we attached a lot of importances to create a true partnership including all the sectors of a club: this is as well as this partnership has not only a financial shutter but includes equally athletic shutters and perspectives of very important exchanges" aiming at the development of the two clubs.  Thus, the contract stipulates that CHARLTON takes totally to his load (airplane bills, housing, food, …) an annual turn in England for a team of the academy MimoSifcom. 

Of more, the 2 clubs foresaw to realize exchanges at the level of the technical staffs, 2 every club members being invited to carry out improving trainings each year.  At last, exchanges at the commercial level, marketing and financial are foreseen in order to allow our club and to its persons in charge to remain to the contact of the realities of international soccer in which let us evolve us. 

If the leaders of CHARLTON appreciated the quality of the carried out work in the domain of the formation of the footballers to Blessed Ground, they were equally seduced by the organization of our club and the degree of competence and of passion of those that there work. 

Of more, the results of our professional team participating uniformly to the international competitions a guaranteed for its leaders that there see a tremendous springboard for our players before following, for the better ones of between them, their career within the English club while passing through to the previous one and eventually in Belgium to the Germinal Beerschot FC, the European partner of Charlton Athletic FC. 

This signature is an important event for our club for she marks the confidence of the two structures towards each other.  It suits henceforth to make this partnership live in order to enrich it and to allow the asec Mimosas to nourish the ambition to install itself on the roof of the African continent during many years. 



Pear Pimples for Hairy Fishnuts!

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