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Ble medlem: 25 okt 03
Innlegg: 3249

Lagt til: 03 nov 08, 12:34

Det disse personene ikke skjønner er at det blir ikke mer lovlig å blusse om man bare tar seg frihet til å gjøre det. Og når de da i tillegg velger å klage og protestere på at de blir bøtelagt etc blir det bare for dumt!

Rolvsøy veien er 60 sone, jeg synes personlig det skulle vært 80 sone der, så nå skal jeg begynne å kjøre i 80 der, for da blir det jo automatisk lov etterhvert... og hvis politiet tar meg, så kan jeg jo bare klage og protestere på det. For det er jo de som er idioter, ikke jeg.....


Jørn Moum, gleder seg over seriesølv 2008!
FFK, The Pride of Norway!

*14.05.08 - Bethina* :)

Tidspunkt Skrevet av
02 nov 08, 22:35 » Scout
02 nov 08, 22:48 » fredrikstadpatriot
02 nov 08, 22:48 » Forza FFK
02 nov 08, 22:52 » Slettet
02 nov 08, 22:52 » Scout
02 nov 08, 23:26 » keiko99
02 nov 08, 23:31 » Tyggis
02 nov 08, 23:46 » solano2
02 nov 08, 23:57 » Plankebærær
03 nov 08, 00:08 » Liraren
03 nov 08, 00:16 » Rey
03 nov 08, 00:37 » Problembarn
03 nov 08, 00:55 » Holters
03 nov 08, 01:05 » Supreme NTM
03 nov 08, 02:01 » Radoslaw
03 nov 08, 05:41 » hedvalen
03 nov 08, 07:56 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 09:50 » Patrioten
03 nov 08, 10:28 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 12:34 » fredrikstadpatriot
03 nov 08, 13:02 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 13:49 » Slettet
03 nov 08, 13:57 » Lars 29
03 nov 08, 14:10 » Liraren
03 nov 08, 14:16 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 14:28 » Liraren
03 nov 08, 14:36 » Biscuitman88
03 nov 08, 14:37 » Lars 29
03 nov 08, 14:44 » Liraren
03 nov 08, 15:04 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 15:35 » endre
03 nov 08, 16:44 » Solheim
03 nov 08, 16:56 » Slettet
03 nov 08, 17:05 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 17:10 » Supreme NTM
03 nov 08, 17:19 » mysthical
03 nov 08, 21:40 » Liraren
03 nov 08, 21:46 » Markus
03 nov 08, 17:10 » Solheim
03 nov 08, 17:21 » Slettet
04 nov 08, 21:50 » kanogvetalt
04 nov 08, 21:55 » Supreme NTM
04 nov 08, 21:56 » Solheim
04 nov 08, 22:57 » Gardarson
03 nov 08, 22:26 » Gardarson
03 nov 08, 22:41 » hedvalen
03 nov 08, 23:14 » bønna
04 nov 08, 00:13 » FFK1903
04 nov 08, 00:45 » Martin_
03 nov 08, 23:13 » Supreme NTM
03 nov 08, 23:32 » Scout
04 nov 08, 21:52 » Scout
03 nov 08, 23:19 » Liraren
04 nov 08, 19:10 » Gardarson
12 nov 08, 18:27 » Supreme NTM
04 nov 08, 00:00 » ajg
04 nov 08, 01:16 » Bob Page
04 nov 08, 09:29 » Marcus
04 nov 08, 09:38 » Bob Page
04 nov 08, 10:34 » KeJ
04 nov 08, 11:55 » fredrikstadpatriot
04 nov 08, 11:34 » Lars 29
04 nov 08, 12:09 » Supreme NTM
04 nov 08, 12:50 » Lars 29
04 nov 08, 13:31 » ajg
04 nov 08, 13:37 » fredrikstadpatriot
04 nov 08, 13:54 » ajg
04 nov 08, 15:18 » eliot
04 nov 08, 15:40 » ajg
04 nov 08, 16:19 » UltraAndré
04 nov 08, 17:00 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 17:35 » UltraAndré
04 nov 08, 17:59 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 18:07 » UltraAndré
04 nov 08, 18:16 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 18:40 » Supreme NTM
04 nov 08, 19:14 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 20:43 » Captain Oats
04 nov 08, 21:09 » Biscuitman88
04 nov 08, 21:14 » Captain Oats
04 nov 08, 21:44 » Liraren
04 nov 08, 21:48 » Captain Oats
05 nov 08, 00:13 » UltraAndré
05 nov 08, 17:35 » Captain Oats
05 nov 08, 19:23 » kanogvetalt
05 nov 08, 22:18 » Snæbbis
05 nov 08, 22:35 » Biscuitman88
05 nov 08, 23:19 » Scout
06 nov 08, 01:35 » Plankekæll
06 nov 08, 08:34 » Per Egil
06 nov 08, 10:35 » Husgutt
06 nov 08, 14:31 » Scout
06 nov 08, 16:49 » baddas
06 nov 08, 17:21 » mysthical
06 nov 08, 17:26 » Gardarson
06 nov 08, 21:37 » stheike
06 nov 08, 22:57 » Scout
06 nov 08, 23:13 » eliot
06 nov 08, 23:14 » Scout
07 nov 08, 20:24 » Gardarson
07 nov 08, 20:38 » Solheim
08 nov 08, 08:58 » mysthical
12 nov 08, 19:33 » Martin_
12 nov 08, 20:11 » brutobrutalis
12 nov 08, 20:43 » hedvalen
12 nov 08, 23:10 » Husgutt
15 nov 08, 00:07 » hedvalen
15 nov 08, 08:31 » Markus
15 nov 08, 09:34 » keiko99
15 nov 08, 09:43 » Liraren
19 nov 08, 10:52 » Slettet
06 nov 08, 09:57 » mysthical
06 nov 08, 10:48 » rollz
06 nov 08, 10:49 » Snæbbis
06 nov 08, 11:04 » mysthical
06 nov 08, 11:09 » BøgeJon
04 nov 08, 20:59 » Martin_
04 nov 08, 21:11 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 21:43 » Supreme NTM
04 nov 08, 22:02 » Lars 29
04 nov 08, 22:35 » rollz
04 nov 08, 22:49 » Lars 29
04 nov 08, 22:58 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 22:58 » Slettet
04 nov 08, 23:07 » rollz
04 nov 08, 23:14 » Slettet
05 nov 08, 00:02 » endre
05 nov 08, 00:08 » bønna
05 nov 08, 00:30 » endre
05 nov 08, 09:02 » mysthical
05 nov 08, 10:35 » jambo
05 nov 08, 11:29 » Martin_
05 nov 08, 11:42 » mysthical
05 nov 08, 12:27 » Problembarn
05 nov 08, 13:06 » mysthical
05 nov 08, 14:25 » Biscuitman88
05 nov 08, 15:05 » mysthical
05 nov 08, 15:25 » Frode
05 nov 08, 13:18 » dalen
05 nov 08, 14:17 » mysthical
05 nov 08, 15:52 » Gardarson
05 nov 08, 16:28 » mysthical
04 nov 08, 23:07 » Slettet
04 nov 08, 18:42 » danan
06 nov 08, 11:30 » stheike
06 nov 08, 11:37 » mysthical
18 nov 08, 22:53 » Asgeir
19 nov 08, 18:33 » Forza FFK
Forumet er moderert av: arte et labore, marle, morten, per egil, Planken og Rey

Flat Trådet Nøstet
Totalt 5 sider Alle

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